Monday, January 14, 2013

The Beatles "Let it Be"

Yes, I admit I love the Beatles. I love everything from the poppy early stuff to the later deeper stuff. I thought of this song last week when I was spending time with my friend. He noticed that I tend to worry a lot and get very upset about things out of my control. He told me just to feel things and let them be without any sort of judgement on my part. Well that is asking a lot of a control freak like me! I tried it out though because I ended up having a pretty emotional rest of the week I must say it was pretty helpful. I tried to just feel what a felt instead of trying to fix anything. In the song Mother Mary comes and speaks the words of wisdom which is "Let it be" in times of darkness or heartbreak just "Let it be." I suggest giving it a try because well it couldn't hurt anything. Enjoy a classic Beatles song.

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